Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Dear Student,

At small wonder our aim is to try and make sure that all children enjoy their school experience by making school a positive and pleasant place to be. This is done through ensuring that they have the chances to be creative, opportunities to meet their potential and by giving them a quality education. They can learn and develop in order to meet to their full potential both accidently and socially. Our staff welcome parents and cares as part of that experience and strive to develop close links with you at home so that we can work together tosupport your child throughout their time with us.

I am honored and feel very privileged to be the Principal of Small Wonder School. I am always excited and look forward to working with our student, staff and parents to make Small Wonder the best school it can be. I am committed to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals.

We will continue to develop and enhance a school that:

  • Focuseson the development of every child
  • Strives for the highest academic standards
  • Reflectsthe values of its community
  • Hasa personalized curriculum for each child
  • Developstrue partnerships that value each child

I have an open door policy and urge all parents to take this opportunity to discuss any issue with me so that we can move forward together. We truly have afantastic school with a supportive and involved parent community, dedicated and highly skill fulf staff, excellent resources and the most fantastic students to work with Principle.

Taruna Malik Kuhar